What does Demiurge have for the exp rate, movement speed, and other settings?
See this page.
What are the server rules?
TL;DR - Don't be a jerk, don't try to cheat. Don't give attitude to the Admin or GMs. Don't act like you are owed something because you contributed.
A more detailed page will be linked here soon.
There is a question I think should be here. How can we get it added?
Suggest it on our Discord, or on our github tracker.
I want to contribute. How do I write code for Demiurge?
Answer from Teo:
Fork LandSandBoat on github and pull request your changes to Contribute directly to the "base" branch. Anything that makes it into LSB will automatically become part of the code Demiurge uses.
Requirements include knowledge of or a willingness to learn git features such as pull, commit, push, stash, rebase...And patience.
A lot of patience. The more you stuff into a single Pull Request the longer it will take to be reviewed. Many smaller ones are preffered over one big one.
Are you same Teo in all those commits in Darkstar's or LandSandBoat's git history?
Answer from Teo:
Why yes, yes I am! Don't let this fool you into thinking I am so kind of magical unicorn coding deity though, most of what I do could be done by any experienced monkey. I simply had lots of free time in the past.
But I vow that all my work is sent to LandSandBoat if it properly matches retail in a maintainable manner. None of that "The only server with working thing" here! /humblebrag.
Whats happens to our characters if you decide to stop running the game?
Character exports would be a thing and/or the database would be handed off to someone (likely multiple someones for redundancy).
Is this server run by the same people that ran LD (LegionDark)?
Answer from Teo:
No. I was helping LD a lot, had GM status, and often posted announcements for LD. You might have known me as Batman or Sarda as well. I helped some other servers to but was rarely if ever in game or otherwise noticable.
I've seen your work Teo, and would like to discuss a job offer that does not involve FFXI private servers at all and is definitely not an unpaid internship!
I'd be happy to talk to you as soon as possible! Tag me on Discord and I'll message you my contact info / send you my resume.
Do you take donations? Will I get anything for donating?
Demiurge does not take any real world money in any countries currency.
If you want to give Teo imaginary Internet money you can get for free though, you can do that. You will get absolutely nothing for it.
Litecoin - LTgLGzX7KYVtMKbZtX4gikJYJT11TPXdkW
Bitcoin - 1BadFLjwqxjAyLj8B4gVM2JW53BDxyHBQU
Whats it costing to run Demiurge anyway?
In terms of money, not much. See this page. The main "expense" is time and thought.